cindy's angel

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2023

We stopped in Little Rock to visit my cousin Susie and to see her new home.  Her daughter graciously offered her guest house, and Susie and her husband Tom dedicated a full day to squire us around their new city.

Little Rock has many wonderful things to explore.  We opted to take a trolley ride to orient ourselves (also, it was about 100 degrees outside and the trolley was air conditioned…sorta).  After lunch we visited the exquisite Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts.  The building is not only a repository of art, it is a work of art in its own right. 

However, before we took in any of the other sights of Little Rock, we made a stop at the Cindy Coates Miller Memorial.  Cindy was a childhood friend of Susie’s and mine from our summer community of Epworth.  She died suddenly of a mysterious infection that rampantly attacked her body while she was in Epworth in the summer of 2013.  She was only 63 years old at the time.  Her memorial is a bridge guarded by a statue of an angel, both of which sit in the shadow of the William J. Clinton Library and Museum.  

I think God sends us messengers and protectors in angelic and in human form. Hope A. Blanton and Christine B. Gordon write, “God’s usual posture toward his people and the world in general is one of generosity, kindness and patience…he hopes his kindness will lead to repentance.”

As I stood by Cindy’s angel, its gaze directed at the American flag, I prayed, “Lord, send your better angels to inspire in us kindness that leads to repentance and repentance that leads to kindness.  Lord, have mercy on our land!” 

Love, Liz
